I’ve always loved the look of wall paper in hotels, making the room look lavish and rich. Sometimes having a 3D effect because the gold decals pop right out at you. A lot of work goes into that, getting the wall paper lined right and making sure the wall paper doesn’t bubble up. It’s long and tedious making you regret even liking the trend. So, in true Modern Domestic fashion, we looked up ideas on how we can accomplish this on our own. M.D. found a D.I.Y. idea on how you can use markers and duct tape to turn those boring walls into regal realness. Here’s how you get it done.
Things you will need:
Sharpies paint pen with a straight edge (not a regular sharpie)
Duct Tape (any color & they have metallic colors too)
Level (to draw your line and designs)
Start by drawing your lines with your level. Make sure your starting from the ceiling down. Your design all depends on your creativity. For us we created triangles forming into diamonds. If you find that your marker is becoming dry. Tap it a couple of times on a piece of paper. The paint seems to settle on the bottom of the pen. So simple and easy.
Do the inside of closets as well. Stripe them create all shapes and patterns with duct tape. Over laying and making the 3D effect like we said above. We want to see want you have done in your home. Be sure to comment below and show us your master pieces.
Written By Talibah Stewart DIY, Modern Domestic