It’s almost time to dump all the heavy coats and clean out the closet. You know – ‘operation clear closet.’ We all have done this impossible task to make space and organize our fall/winter and spring/summer clothes. This is when you start off by taking all the clothes out the closet and lay them on the floor or bed. You pick out outfits you wore a few years back and realize some things don’t fit like they used to. You start to recognize a certain section of your closet has clothes you always wear and another section with a larger amount of clothes you actually have not worn. This painstaking task of sorting the clothes out one by one is interrupted because, the baby woke up, the kids want attention, your friend has the latest tea or hubby needs help finding something. After all that, you’re too tired and you need to sleep, but your bedroom looks like a yard sale and will stay like that for weeks. Eventually, all those clothes go right back in the closet till next season. So what’s a girl got to do to get organized efficiently?
Got room? Instead of taking everything and putting it on the bed, take all your clothes into a separate room and choose your daily outfits from there. The clothes you usually wear will go back in your closet after laundry day, while the remainder of the clothes you don’t wear should stay in the other room.
Check out these cute laundry totes by Kreations by Design and storage totes by Organicer.
No room/spare closet? Designate the clothes you usually wear in plain sight after laundry day. Use a drawer box or garment racks for the clothes you hardly wear. Simple stylish garment racks from and Joss and Main are great solution for space savers and offer different colors to match your decor.
Too much effort/ not enough time? Color-code your hangers according to how often you wear your clothes. For example, buy one set of hangers in a different color from the ones you currently have in your closet. If your hangers are white, buy red. After laundry, hang the clean clothes using the red set. In a few weeks you’ll quickly notice which set of items are worn often in the red hanger section. Oh Deer Creative has these amazing sequined hangers to style and organize your closet.
Remember, this process will take a few weeks. All your clothes that haven’t been worn can be folded up in some boxes and sent to your local consignment store. Clear storage boxes from Walmart are perfect and are easy to stack. They come in sets of four and six in different sizes. Now you have more room in your closet, and a few more coins to add to your budget
Written By: Lungi Moore, Modern Domestic Home Decor