Blouses are spilling out of your drawers, shoes litter your floor and there are too many random items under your bed to count. Does this sound familiar? If your bedroom is in constant disarray, check out these organization tips to makeover your messy space. Whether you have plenty of room to work with or just a tiny corner to call your own, here are five valuable suggestions for turning your bedroom into a neat and tidy retreat.
1. Turn Clutter Into Décor
Old magazines, random houseplants, extra large frames — if items are littering your floor, try arranging them in an artful way to make the clutter seem purposeful. Stack your books, add trays, and suddenly a messy corner becomes a trendy tableau.2. Install Drawer Dividers
Don’t toss your jewelry into a random junk drawer. Try a classic drawer divider to make the most of drawer space. These are especially helpful for organizing small items like underwear, bras, and socks or stockings.3. Declutter the Dresser
Bureaus typically have smaller drawers at the top and larger ones at the bottom. Underwear belongs in top drawers, while heavier garments go in bottom ones. Eliminate everything extraneous and put files and projects elsewhere in your home4. Organize Your Clothing
Make sure you have adequate storage for clothes and shoes. You can utilize the area under the bed if necessary. Coordinate clothes in your closet by color range because it is visually calming and will make dressing faster and easier.Keep It Clean
Create a schedule for daily, weekly, and monthly chores. Designate time to pick up clothes and put them away, clean off the nightstand, organize the dresser drawer, do laundry, and organize the closet.Let us know how these tips work out for you!
Written By: Joyrina Hunter, Modern Domestic, Staff Writer